Otsukaresama deshita

Kemarin, entah kenapa rasanya down banget, mentally breakdown. Sampe akhirnya mutusin buat pulang aja kerumah, dari pada di lab tapi pikirannya kemana-mana. Akhirnya beberes dan turun ke bawah, ke parkiran sepeda.

Sampe parkiran sepeda papasan sama aki-aki yang suka ngurus parkiran.

Dia tau-tau bilang: "Otsukaresamadeshita"

Lah langsung nangis deh depan sepedah.

Ya gini deh yang namanya mental breakdown.

“Otsukaresama deshita” (お疲れ様でした) artinya “Terima kasih atas usahamu” atau “Kamu sudah bekerja keras.” Ungkapan ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan terhadap seseorang yang telah melakukan pekerjaan atau usaha dengan sungguh-sungguh. Ini adalah cara sopan untuk mengakui dan menghormati usaha keras dan kontribusi yang telah diberikan oleh seseorang. 


Aki, andai kau tau kemaren itu kulagi butuhhhh banget support dari orang lain, biar terus melangkah. And suddenly you gave it to me. どうもありがとうございます.

It took me weeks to touch the boy's stuff.

Coming back home alone is not a nice experience for me. Bicycles lying on the ground, the nameplate on the door, walking to a dark room alone, dust layering the floor and stuff. On that day, I just opened the window to make the sunlight enter the room and directly go to bed. In the middle of the day.

It took me weeks to touch the boy's stuff.

But life must go on.

The worst feeling is that I feel this is a failure. Which is not. 

This is how God told me that my plan is not good enough, His plan is better.

On The Night Like This

On the night like this
There's so many things I want to tell you
On the night like this
There's so many things I want to show you

Cause when you're around
I feel safe and warm
When you're around

I can fall in love every day

In the case like this
There are a thousand good reasons
I want you to stay...

Mocca - On The Night Like This