Film Serius.

Ternyata saya beneran udah lama nggak nonton film serius.

Barusan sy beru nonton satu film, baru SEPEREMPATnya.
dan skrg udah kejang kejang.

hehe. kagak.
stress sumpah, apalagi pake embel-embel darah. syit.
knapa saya harus nonton film ini?!??! rekomendasi sialan.

Pagi buta di sebuah tempat.

Disuatu pagi buta..
x: bla.. bla.. bla..
y: bla.. bla.. bla..

x: hahhaha..
y: hahahahhahha..

x: mi, kalo lo ama temen gua, dia ga boleh cemburu ama gua...
y: T.T

This kind of sentence that I need to hear from a FRIEND.


Time flies. There's so many things happened lately.
Some ordinary, some special things. heuu.
Well school almost everyday, then working to repackaged a tea brand, have some secret meetings with some guys :P, working for my assignment, doing midnite talk and drinks with friends, worked on a collaborated products for Dungdelang, have some meetings with PDF members, get caught on something T.T, didn't get caught on something :P, loooong looong talk with Adel :P, assisting a class, had a dream with someone in it, and... had a dream in english :D ...
Interesting week actually :D

Self Centered.

A couple days ago, I just realize many things, then I asked a friend.
Am I being a self centered? and he said, Yes, but not that bad.

This things makes me crazy lately.
I don't want to be one of those, or at least not that bad. But I am, sometimes I am.

In my very defense,
I feel like I wanna blabbling all the time, I feel like I wanna tell some story to a lot of friends. But maaaybeee, it turns out SOMETIME I told them MY story. I didn't get it, why people being so quite these days??? There's so many things happen in this world, so why don't you share? why all of you letting me blabbing all the time about something that not even important for you to hear?! aaaaaaaaaaa.

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