Bando Sensei Farewell Party.

Like two days ago, we had a little farewell party for Bando Sensei, a Professor from Musashino Art Univercsity, Tokyo. He has been here in DP for almost one year. Although this is not really a farewell because he'll go to Bandung again for several time, but this time we'd just finish the Bamboo Shelter Project 2012 (first term) and a party would be good. Hehe.

Ogi san made this lovely pic.

The funny thing is, the student gave Bando Sensei a pack of souvenir. And it turns out, Bando Sensei become Kabayan. Hahahaha.


Then, Andaru Sensei and Bando Sensei had a concert..

What a farewell party...!

See you again soon Sensei!

Watching TV Always Make Me Wanna Comment About Everything. Part#2.

Kemaren ga sengaja nonton tv mas makan di kantin deket kosan.

Hasil dari nonton tv 28 Maret 2012:
- BBM mau naek, demo dimana-mana. Saya kadang suka mikir ini sy yang bego ga protes bbm naik, apa yang demo yang bego berharap selamanya harga bbm ga pernah naek.
- BBM mau naek, pers ngomporin masyarakat. Mbok ya di tenangiiiiiiiiiiinnnn, bukan ngasi pertanyaan yang ngompor-ngomporin oraaaaaaaang. 
- Es goyang harganya serebu doang.

Udah, saya lupa nonton apalagi kemaren. Fufu.

Something About Us.

It might not be the right time
I might not be the right one
But there's something about us I want to say
Cause there's something between us anyway

I might not be the right one
It might not be the right time
But there's something about us I've got to do
Some kind of secret I will share with you

I need you more than anything in my life
I want you more than anything in my life
I'll miss you more than anyone in my life
I love you more than anyone in my life

- Daft Punk


It's getting crowded honey. I am so sorry but sometime I really can't resist. We both.
And oh.
The conversations, will never end. Unless we both end it. 
Beneran loh.